割礼的意义——一次误读 割礼的意义——一次误读 By A. V. Caleb 新约当中,提到割礼这一旧约仪式的对应的意义主要是出自歌罗西书,(腓立比书只是掠影)倪弟兄已经帮我们引出来了。为了避免断章取义与完整性,我再引一下。 因为真受割礼的,乃是我们这以 神的灵敬拜、在基督耶稣里夸口、不靠着肉体的。(腓立比书 3:3 和合本) 你们既然接受了主基督耶稣,就当遵他而行,在他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训, 2022-04-02 Essay #Anthropology #Theology
神的怜悯 读经:申8、9 在这里我们可以看到一个对应:以色列-基督徒,摩西-基督。这一种对应让我们想到 耶和华-你的 神要从你们弟兄中间给你兴起一位先知,像我,你们要听从他。(申命记 18:15 和合本) 以色列人多次犯罪,有摩西为他们代求,神也多次听了摩西的祷告,赦免以色列人。但是因为以色列人过于悖逆,所以除了迦勒和约书亚,20岁以上的人都倒毙在旷野。 基督徒的罪却有慈悲忠信的大祭司——我们的主耶稣— 2022-03-18 Essay #Anthropology #Theology
Is Christ's death for the whole world? While Calvinists declared that Christ’s death is not for the whole world in Dort Commission, Chafer asserted that Christ’s death is indeed for the world as a whole. The Scriptures that Calvinists can 2022-03-08 Essay #Anthropology #Theology #Soteriology #Christology
圣 圣的问题向来是复杂的,因为对于人来说很难完全明白到底什么是圣的。 在摩西五经中,有许多关于圣的与俗的分别的条例。 “你们到了迦南地,栽种各样结果子的树木,就要以所结的果子如未受割礼的一样。三年之久,你们要以这些果子,如未受割礼的,是不可吃的。 但第四年所结的果子全要成为圣,用以赞美耶和华。 第五年,你们要吃那树上的果子,好叫树给你们结果子更多。我是耶和华-你们的 神。(利未记19:23-25 和 2022-03-05 Essay #Anthropology #Theology #Soteriology
先知的灵是顺服先知的 先知的灵是顺服先知的 and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. (1 Corinthians 14:32 ESV) 先知的灵原是顺服先知的; (哥林多前书14:32 和合本) 这里的经文大概是常常为人所忽视的,但是通过这一节却可以得出我们争论许久的话题的答案,即到底圣经中所指的灵这一官能在我们得救后是不是圣的?(我们历来所受的 2022-02-20 Essay #Anthropology #Theology #Pneumatology
An Interesting Finding When Rachel was going to die, she named her child Benoni, which means son of my sorrow or son of my strength. The meaning of Benoni indicates Rachel’s despair condition, and she was in great stress an 2022-02-08 Essay #Anthropology #Theology
The Attempt to Understand Trinity It always has been a tough issue to deal with the understanding of trinity. What we always bear in mind is that Father, Son, Spirit are different from each other, and there is only a God. It’s almost 2022-02-05 Essay #Theology #Metaphysics
The Age of people The Age of people These are the generations of Shem. When Shem was 100 years old, he fathered Arpachshad two years after the flood. And Shem lived after he fathered Arpachshad 500 years and had other 2022-01-29 Essay #Anthropology
The Beginning of the Country The Beginning of the Country Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said t 2022-01-29 Essay #Anthropology
The Author of Genesis So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created 2022-01-27 Essay #Theology